Friday, July 3, 2009

The adventures of Nick and Matthew part 1

Nick and Matthew's adventure starts in a little town called Twinleaf. Nick and Matthew are best friends, and Nick loves to battle but Matthew likes to study to creatures in this world known as Battlemon. "Hey Matthew, Nick came over and asked if you want to go somewhere with him" said Matthew's mother, "Yeah I'll go with him" said Matthew. So Matthew went outside and went to Nick's house, "do you know where Nick is' said Matthew, "yeah he's at the lake" said Nick mother. So Matthew went to the lake and found not only Nick but Team Galactic as well. "Help me," said Nick "I was helping the professor then these guys popped up here, please help me!". So Matthew opened the suitcase that Nick told him to open and chose the Battlemon, Waterchu. "Waterchu go" shouted Matthew, "Waterchu use pound," said Matthew "Bugbat use leech life," said Galactic Mars "Waterchu use pound" "you did well, Bugbat" "thanks for the help" said Nick, "your welcome" said Matthew...